Pet Remedy Versus Homeopathy for Pet Stress
When you are researching natural solutions to alleviate your pet’s anxiety, homeopathy for pet stress is a common resource that many well-intentioned pet and dog owners will try.
After all, there are many studies that demonstrate that homeopathy can be effective for certain conditions, and there are a number of possible benefits as far as alternative medicine goes. Homeopathy was started in the 1790s by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. The concept of homeopathy is that “like cures like.” The theory of homeopathy is that the body has the impulse to self-heal, and homeopathic remedies stimulate the healing response by producing symptoms similar to that of the illness.
Homeopathic remedies have very, very low potency which is why it is generally considered to be a safe alternative medicine. Most notably, there are no negative interactions with any drugs or supplements and you can take homeopathy with the assurance that it is a safe and gentle method. Even if it proves to be ineffective, it is not going to produce any negative side effects. And hey, if the Royal Family support homeopathy’s claims for effectiveness, perhaps it’s worth a try?
Certainly, homeopathy for pets is becoming a more popular choice for individuals looking for natural solutions for their pets ailments. But when it comes to your pets and their anxiety, homeopathy can be a challenging natural option for a number of reasons.
Homeopathy for pet stress is hard to prescribe.
It can be hard to understand and recognize all the symptoms with a pet that cannot communicate with words. When treating anxiety through homeopathy, there are many different remedies that one can choose from. The process of determining the correct homeopathic for humans includes asking the patient about their thoughts, fears, dreams, as well as specific, non-visible symptoms. In this way, it is much different from other alternative medicines as well as traditional medications and makes it much harder to prescribe for pets, because only the external symptoms can be used to make the prescription.
What this means is that homeopathy for dogs, cats and other animals has a reduced statistical chance of finding the correct remedy. Even the National Center for Homeopathy admits that, when comparing the treatment of people versus animal, it’s “a little harder to deduce the right remedy for an animal” according to one article.
Even with something as common as anxiety, taking the full case history is still essential when assessing the correct homeopathic remedy for each animal. There are at least 15 different identifiable “states” that are used to determine the disposition of the dog. This is far less than the 60 “states” that are assessed within humans, but the complexity of the diagnosis process it can be challenging to be certain that the remedy is going to be effective.
Unlike homeopathy, Pet Remedy is extremely easy to use and is effective regardless of the type or source of anxiety. This means that you can spend less time diagnosing your dog’s stress and simply use Pet Remedy to help alleviating the stress right away!
Homeopathy for pet stress is expensive
To undertake homeopathy correctly, you need to hire a practitioner. There are many holistic veterinarians, who are professionally trained to diagnose your pet’s needs and which alternative approaches will be most effective to reduce stress or anxiety. Because this approach is based on individual assessment as well as follow-up appointments to see how well the proposed remedy is working and make adjustments, working with a trained homeopathic practitioner to alleviate your dog’s stress can be very costly.
In addition, homeopathy is rarely prescribed as a single remedy; typically, it will be combined with acupuncture, massage, and herbal supplements. The costs for this can add up quickly and may or may not prove to be effective. Most veterinarians who use homeopathic remedies charge by the hour or by the visit, and if it take multiple times to get the solution correct, this would be a very costly solution.
Especially when considering the alternatives, Pet Remedy is not at all costly, especially considering that it has already been extensively tested in laboratories to be effective for all your pets. There is no need to pay for any individual assessments in order to determine whether the remedy will align with your dog’s personality and specific anxieties.
Homeopathy for pet stress is not a one-size-fits-all solution.
With homeopathy, the solution needs to be appropriate for the situation and the individual pet. There are fifty different remedies for a cold, for example. This means that if you have more than one pet in your home, a different homeopathic solution might be needed for each of your pets, even if they all suffer from anxiety. Especially for dogs that are suffering from extreme anxiety, it is important for the attempted homeopathic treatment to be prescribed by a qualified homeopathic practitioner, because it can be even harder to customize a solution, “Especially for dogs that are suffering from extreme anxiety, it is important for homeopathic treatment.” according to the homepathy centre.
Pet Remedy has been developed to work for all the pets in your home, not just your dog or cat. Even if you have a bird that suffers from anxiety or a stressed rabbit or horse that doesn’t travel well, Pet Remedy has proven to be effective for all the fur and feathered members of your family.
The benefits of homeopathy for pet stress can sometimes be counteracted by other treatments
According to veterinarian Dr. Richard Pitcairn, there are many veterinarians who will use homeopathic remedies in combination with traditional treatments. Dr. Pitcairn states that the training for many veterinarians treating dogs with homeopathy may not have extensive, classical training for how to use homeopathy as an exclusive form of treatment.
According to Dr. Pitcairn, “it’s also possible for a veterinarian to either not fully understand or accept the way homeopathy works. In those practices, homeopathy is incorporated, but it’s combined with, say, the use of drugs or other measures that counter the homeopathic effect. It’s possible then, that the patients of those practices are receiving two types of treatment, one of which is stimulating the natural healing process and the other is slowing it down. It’s very confusing for clients of the practice, not to mention confusing for the animals’ bodies.”
Even though homeopathy isn’t unsafe, if it isn’t used expertly, it might not work as effectively. Similarly, if other drugs are being taken at the same time, they might be countering the positive effect of the homeopathic remedy. While homeopathy doesn’t have any side effects and doesn’t interact negatively with other treatments, when used in conjunction with other treatments, especially traditional medicine, it won’t work as effectively and complicate the ability for the stress-reducing treatments to be successful.
Because Pet Remedy is not applied orally, there is no way that it disrupts any other medication or treatments from working to their full efficiency as well.
Finding the right homeopathy for pet stress can take time
Sometimes, homeopathy is a matter of trial and error, especially when it comes to proper dosing. Not all homeopathic remedies for anxiety are the same, and while you may discover that your dog or cat responds to one particular remedy, it might take a while to find the perfect solution. If you use a homeopathic remedy for your pet’s anxiety, keep in mind that it might only be effective for certain types of stress and not others.
Pet Remedy, on the other hand, is proven to be safe and effective right from the first time you use it. You can certainly use Pet Remedy more often and at a higher concentration if your dog or cat is especially anxious, but there is no need to be concerned that you are using too much or too little. Pet Remedy works regardless of how often you use it.
Like homeopathy, Pet Remedy is perfectly safe for your animals. In some ways, it is even more safe because it isn’t taken orally. Also, the effectiveness of Pet Remedy won’t be negatively impacted if your dog is taking any other treatments for anxiety and/or has been prescribed medication for this (or another) condition.
Pet Remedy is a trusted solution for pet anxiety, which uses proven natural ingredients that work instantly to reduce your pet’s anxiety. Unlike many other natural solutions, it can be used for both mammals and birds, which makes it a very versatile product which can be used regardless of the type of anxiety or stress that your pet might be experiencing.