A really useful article on how to maintain a perfect lawn
Here is what the guys at PetGuide say about Dog Rocks.

Dog Rocks US Press Highlights
Here at Dog Rocks HQ we have had a very exciting few months and celebrated officially selling over 2 million Dog Rocks packs worldwide! Through these sales it has given our unique brand the push […]

5 Signs you should be bringing your pup to the vet!
As you know owning a dog is a huge responsibility. Not just because you have to house and feed it, exercise and groom it, but because you are solely responsible for their health and wellbeing. […]

Dog Rocks August US Press Highlights
Here at Dog Rocks HQ we have had a very exciting month and been very busy working with a number of media publications. Through this we hope to spread awareness about Dog Rocks and help […]

Gardening Guru Nick Federoff From Things Green Talks Dog Rocks

Dog Rocks July Press Highlights
July has been a busy month for Dog Rocks. With an increase in sales and brand awareness we wanted to share our July press highlights with you guys! Dog Rocks USA new size 600g bag […]