A Cat’s New Year’s Resolution
We all know the generic New Year’s resolutions; join the gym, take up a new hobby, see the in-laws more, sound familiar? But have you ever thought about what your cat’s New Year’s resolutions would be if they had them?
Here is what we think a cat’s New Year resolutions would be :
Resolution #1: Hiss more, purr less
Resolution #2: Avoid vets at all costs
Resolution #3: Implement plan C to remove dog…and maybe children
Resolution #4: Be more dedicated to scratching furniture, it is a giant scratch board right?
Resolution #5: Furball more, especially when humans have guests around. Find an audience, because the more the merrier!
Resolution #6: Find the king of cardboard boxes to use as a look out. Giant box = good!
Resolution #7: Sleep more (20 hours is just not cutting it)!
Resolution #8: Show humans I am fond of them by bringing them more dead mice, frogs, birds.
Resolution #9: Clean myself on kitchen work surfaces, dining room table, human’s beds. Again, the bigger the audience the better!
Resolution #10: I will ensure my humans have my fur on all their clothes as a constant reminder they are my humans!
Bonus Resolution: Secretly steal my owner’s credit card to buy some Pet Remedy, so when the kids come over the play, my humans can spray my area to keep me calm. With that many kids around, there’s no telling what mischief I could get up to!
Let us know what you would like your cat’s New Year’s resolutions to be, or what you are planning on doing to benefit both yourself and your cat in 2016!