Dog Rocks Side Effects
Assessing Dog Rocks side effects, just like any new product, is an important step to take before introducing it to your pet. Whether you are adjusting your dog’s diet, introducing a new toy, collar, or coat, or even using a de-worming treatment or supplements, it’s important to be aware of how your dog could react to make sure that the product won’t have any undesired side effects.
Dog Rocks are no exception. Dog urine killing your grass is a huge nuisance, especially if you are someone who wants to have a dog and a nice, green lawn. There are a number of products on the market that will stop those yellow spots from forming on your grass when your dog takes a pee, but how many of them will affect the dog’s health in the long term?
We get many pet owners asking us about Dog Rocks side effects. Well, the good news, is that there are none – apart from a greener-than-green lawn!
Yes, you read that correctly: Dog Rocks are 100% natural and have absolutely no effect on the pH balance of the dog’s urine, meaning that unlike other products, they will not cause urinary tract infections, bladder stones or other unwanted side effects.
Instead, the rocks work by removing nitrates and other impurities from the water and have been tested in long-term studies to ensure they are completely safe for all household pets. That means that even if your kitty likes to steal from your dog’s water bowl, they will be perfectly safe as well.
Maureen Janet Finch 5 years ago
Excellent idea but as grass does not grow in Winter, and usually wet with rain or snow are the rocks for Summer use only?
admin 5 years ago
We use them all year round, that way when the snow clears and the rain abates, we have a perfect green lawn, like getting an head start!
Do Dog Rocks Actually Work? – Almazrestaurant 3 years ago
[…] Yes, you read that correctly: Dog Rocks are 100% natural and have absolutely no effect on the pH balance of the dog's urine, meaning that unlike other products, they will not cause urinary tract infections, bladder stones or other unwanted side effects. via […]
How To Use Dog Rocks – Bescord 3 years ago
[…] Yes, you read that correctly: Dog Rocks are 100% natural and have absolutely no effect on the pH balance of the dog's urine, meaning that unlike other products, they will not cause urinary tract infections, bladder stones or other unwanted side effects. via […]