HavaHeart Rescue Pet Remedy Review
HavaHeart Rescue is constantly looking for cost effective calming solutions for our puppy mill rescues, these dogs are traumatized by their pasts and so fearful of humans and all of the new luxuries that their new lives have afforded them. In the past we have used expensive pheromone solutions, calming vests, calming collars, and reluctantly the occasional prescription. We were beyond grateful when PetRemedy provided us with a few of their products to sample with some of the pups in our care. We received the Pet Remedy de-stress and calming spray, as well as a Pet Remedy de-stress and calming diffuser and refill pack.
As the President of HavaHeart Rescue, I often get the dogs who are a little bit tougher to foster, these dogs may be abused, neglected, have medical issues, or just be extra fearful and therefore have aggressive tendencies. On April 8, 2018 HavaHeart Rescue liberated 40 Havanese from a life of breeding. These dogs had spent their entire lives locked in filthy cages with little access to medical care being bred for profit. To say their rescue was a traumatic event for them would be an understatement! I was able to foster 7 of these difficult dogs as fosters came and went unable to deal with their demands. Some of them were easier than others and just required patience, but there were two very difficult dogs who were able to overcome their obstacles in record time and become adoptable.
Fiona was a biter, an attention barker and a bit of a trouble maker. Within a week of using the Pet Remedy products with Fiona she was less likely to bite, and no longer barked for attention, she went on to be adopted after the week with me. Rocky was a vicious biter and very fear reactive, he would bolt and try to run away. He had bitten 4 people by the time he came to me, his previous fosters were unable to get a collar on him. I brought him home with me where the Pet Remedy diffuser was already in use, and within 20 minutes I had the collar on him and he was asleep in my arms! No one could believe how suddenly he went from terrified to relaxed and learned how to be a normal puppy… Rocky was adopted after 2 short weeks.
These precious dogs are now living life as cherished members of forever families, and I give Pet Remedy so much credit for the quick transformation that took place for each of them. I also thank them for how simple it was! I simply plugged in the diffuser and forgot about it! The de-stress and calming spray was used to spray their bedding, crates and on their harnesses. The best part for me, was that these products are chemical free! I believe in a raw diet and as chemical free lifestyle as I can provide for my own dogs, so not having to introduce harmful chemicals into their environment is something I am grateful for. Pet Remedy products are simply a blend of all natural essential oils that help calm and de-stress.
Thank you so much for your generosity Pet Remedy!
Sara Villines
HavaHeart Rescue