Pet Remedy Side Effects: The One Thing You Need to Know
A growing number of pet owners are turning to Pet Remedy for its many stress-reducing benefits, including the fact that there are no known negative side effects for the clear majority of pets.
Pet Remedy is a popular method to alleviate your pet’s stress and avoiding challenging behaviours related to anxiety, such as excessive barking for dogs or furniture scratching for cats. Pet Remedy works to calm anxiety for cats, dogs, rabbits, hoses, rodents, and even parrots—to name a few of the common household animals. It is a unique and carefully collected blend of natural essential oils that inform the brain’s “messengers”— the neurotransmitters— that it can release stress and anxiety: the opposite of what occurs when your pet’s nerves become too stimulated and overworked. But as is the case with new products, many wonder what the Pet Remedy side effects may include.
Studies have confirmed that Pet Remedy is as safe a product as you can find on the market for even the most sensitive of pets. Part of the reason for this is because it is not digested and does not come in direct contact with the pet’s skin, so there is no discomfort or irritations for your pet. One of the only suspected possible complications may be for humans and pets who suffer from epilepsy who are sensitive to certain essential oils, such as Sage. Even though Pet Remedy side effects are generally none, it is recommended that individuals with epilepsy or those who have pets that have epilepsy speak with a qualified professional to ensure that Pet Remedy will not have any adverse effects for their specific condition.
Proper Usage of Pet Remedy
Although each of the natural ingredients in Pet Remedy have been tested and verified as safe for your pets, it is recommended that you use Pet Remedy as directed. Pet Remedy can be purchased as either a diffuser or a spray, and while the essential oils contained (Valerian Root, Vetiver, Sweet Basil, and Clary Sage) are safe for pets as a fragrance, it is advised to not let your pet consume the product directly, especially as it is not intended for internal use. Similarly, to ensure the safety of the product, do not apply Pet Remedy topically on your pet, especially because the high concentration of essential oils can irritate your pet’s skin, but primarily because this is not the way in which this product will be most effective.
Pet Remedy’s Scent
The magic of Pet Remedy is in its incredibly calming scent, which your pet will find quite appealing. Many pets whose owners use a diffuser of Pet Remedy will make their way towards the diffuser in order to enjoy the scent in a stronger concentration.
While this does not affect the safety or effectiveness of the product, a small number of users have noted that they find the scent to be unfamiliar or not to their liking, but the vast majority of purchasers either cannot smell anything at all or find the scent to be quite pleasing.
Much Safer Than Many of The Alternatives
When used as directed, Pet Remedy can be relied upon as a much safer product than many other alternatives for reducing your pet’s anxiety.
There are many other alternatives, and depending on your pet’s specific situation and the level of their anxiety, a veterinarian may suggest prescription medication for your pet. When looking at medicine that can be prescribed by veterinarians for anxiety, prescription drugs can cause any of the following side effects: altered mental state, shaking or seizures, vomiting, challenges walking, rapid breathing or heart rate, or an unnatural increase in temperature. However, many of these medications have been approved by the FDA and are often considered as a viable option for pets with anxiety, even though their side effects can be potentially quite serious.
Because of the possibility for such severe side effects of prescription medication, many owners look to natural products to alleviate their pet’s stress, but not all of those products are safe as well, and what might be non-toxic for one animal species can sometimes be harmful for another.
One of the most reliable ways to assess whether or not a product will be suitable for your pet is to look at the customer reviews to see if other pet owners have safely attained the results that you are looking for with regard to your pet’s anxiety. Have a look at our customer reviews or try Pet Remedy directly to see how well it works for your pet! What do you think of Pet Remedy? We love to hear from our customers and their experiences with our product. We truly believe it is the best option for pet owners looking to reduce anxiety in their pets safely and effectively.
Jackie 6 years ago
I plugged this in for my dogs. It actually works better on me. Gradually noticed how much calmer and less anxious I was becoming, and things that would normally make me freak out are just shrugged off. Amazing!! Better than anything the Dr has ever prescribed!!
superwhiskers 6 years ago
hey awesome post thanks for the information
Michael 5 years ago
Within a short time of plugging in the diffuser I became very relaxed, sleepy even. I slept better than usual and awoke refreshed: something I haven’t experienced in years. I don’t think that imagination caused this, because it never occurred to me that it would affect me. Oh, and our semi feral cat settled down and became noticeably relaxed too! It works!
Mandy 5 years ago
Plugged it in what a difference my dogs are behaving well.i notice the difference .I recommend trying this is very good
Colleen Evans 3 years ago
Has anyone used pet remedy spray for vet visit please. Currently muzzle my dog as he’s terrified. Thank you
Joanna weir 3 years ago
I have a highly highly anxious dog! Who has also just had a very bad accident and is now on crate rest, the spray and wipes are OUTSTANDING!! I wish I would have known about this product years ago! It’s honestly magic.
He becomes so excited anxious his whole body shakes until he is doing the activity (for example putting my coat on ready for a walk would be a nightmare! Just putting a coat or wellies on sets him off (crying abs whole body shaking , he reacts and the wouldn’t settle until being 10/15mins into a walk) a couple of sprays and some quiet time and he isn’t shaking and we then prepare for our walk in a much calmer state)