Flick a Poo: The Big Countryside Cleanup
Join us this May for our 30-day clean-up initiative, where we’ll be campaigning for the responsible disposal of dog poop to protect our towns, parks, and countryside. Read on to discover how you can play your part!
On a crisp early morning with the promise of Spring in the air and a spring in your step, is there anything that beats getting out of doors for a walk with your eager pup?
Well, according to Mind charity, possibly not. Time spent in nature has been proven to have health benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. Getting exercise in the fresh air and being around animals boosts your mood and reduces stress, as well as helping you to become more active and even extending your lifespan.
But amongst all this good stuff, there is one thing which can’t help but disrupt your positive mood. If you’re anything like us, what really gets our blood boiling when strolling through a park or rounding the corner on a country lane… is dog poop.
With so many more litter bins now readily available in public spaces, there is really no excuse for not cleaning up after our furry friends. And even more infuriating? The sweeping pandemic of bagging poop and leaving it on public pathways, hooked on branches, and hanging in hedges for the countryside cleaning fairy to magically dispose of.
So over the next couple of months, we are on a mission to have a Spring clean and spread the word. It’s time for us to all start taking personal accountability for our actions and put a stop to this (quite literally) foul behaviour once and for all.
How to Get Involved
This campaign would be nothing without YOU! We’re relying on like-minded, environmentally-conscious outdoor lovers to help pave the way and drive change. Whether you’re strolling through a bustling city park or enjoying the peace and quiet of a deserted green lane, we need you to get involved.
So, come the 1st of May, jump over to our Instagram and Facebook channels where we’ll be aiming to reach as many people as possible! You can support the campaign by taking part in any of the below actions and using our campaign hashtags #sharetoshame, #cleanupourcountryside, and #flickapoo:
1. #sharetoshame
Whilst on your walks, keep an eye out for any discarded poop or poo bags and snap a pic! We want to share the evidence for all to see how common and widespread this dirty habit really is.
But just one quick house rule: let’s stay away from naming and blaming individuals. We want this to be a positive campaign that is focused on raising awareness and empowering people to make changes, not to feel terrible about themselves or be publicly humiliated on social media.
Oh, and don’t forget to add the #sharetoshame hashtag before posting your photo!
2. #cleanupourcountryside
We’re on a mission to clean up, so where you’re able to do so, take a few extra poo bags on your daily dog walk and pick up any abandoned mess. We also encourage you to be on the lookout for discarded poo bags that you can safely transfer to the nearest designated bin for pet waste.
Tell us how many poos you’ve cleaned up with the hashtag #cleanupourcountryside.
3. #flickapoo
If you’re low on bags and there’s a pile of dog poo in the middle of a country lane, then as long as it’s appropriate, flick the poo well away from the path and into the hedgerow or bushy undergrowth with a stick. This way, the waste can biodegrade quicker than in a poo bag, and more safely than leaving it in the middle of a public right of way.
Let us know when you #flickapoo! And make sure to add the hashtag to share this handy tip with your friends and followers.
Why Should You Care About Disposal of Dog Poop?
We get it. Dog poop is a mucky subject that you’d rather not think about, thank you very much!
However, there are numerous reasons why picking up after your pup is not only good manners but essential practice, 100% of the time.
It’s a potential health hazard
There are some very nasty parasites and bacteria in dog poo that can spread disease to other dogs, for example, E. coli and salmonella. Even more concerningly is toxocariasis, which is caused by worms found in some animal faeces. Humans can become affected if they come into contact with infected poo, soil, or sand, and the eggs get into their mouths. Whilst this is a rare condition, it can lead to serious problems like difficulty breathing or in severe cases, even loss of vision.
It takes a long time to biodegrade
Dog poo itself can take up to 12 months or more to naturally biodegrade, but worse is when poop is bagged and left in country lanes. Plastic bags can take an astonishing 1,000 years to biodegrade into microplastics (that continue to pollute the environment), and even biodegradable bags will take years to eventually break down and decompose.
It contaminates waterways
The harmful bacteria in dog poo can also affect water quality when not disposed of correctly. Pet waste that is washed by the rain into nearby waterways will decay and have a damaging impact on fish and other aquatic wildlife.
It’s an eye (and nose!) sore
Last but not least, the sight of poop and waste bags littering public walkways is unsavoury. And the smell is even worse! It’s simply not an enjoyable experience to dodge discarded poo at every turn, and it encourages irresponsible waste disposal at a wider level. If it’s okay not to take a poo bag home or to the nearest bin, then it’s a slippery slope. Is it also okay to leave drinks cans or food waste from a picnic?
The truth of the matter is that we need to look at unsavoury things in order to make changes as individuals and at large. When 14 million tonnes of rubbish are dumped in landfill every year, you may be tempted to think that there are bigger problems than a few littered poo bags on your favourite countryside stroll. But a tiny habit change amongst many individuals can have a tidal wave effect.
By being more conscious about treating the environment respectfully, the seemingly small act of binning or flicking poo is important. It encourages further mindful decisions and a brighter future when it comes to your own enjoyment of the natural world, as well as the long-term health of our one precious planet.
Join Us This May for the 30-Day #flickapoo Challenge
Here at Pet Podium Products, we’re passionate about pooches. But we also care about giving you the tools to be the most responsible pet owner you can be.
From informative articles to our own range of innovative products, you can find lots of educational resources and pet care solutions. Read our blog over the coming weeks for more info on how to dispose of pet waste safely and effectively, be a responsible dog walker, look after outdoor spaces, and much more.
We will also be approaching well-loved and trusted national institutions for support so that we can get our message out there and shout about the Flick A Poo campaign from the rooftops.
Don’t forget to join us over the course of May on our social media channels (find us on Instagram here and here, or join us over on Facebook) to participate in the big countryside cleanup. We want you to share your photos, let us know how many abandoned poops and poo bags you’ve binned, and start necessary conversations with the #flickapoo hashtag within your social circles.
We’re relying on your participation to get this campaign off the ground and flying. So thank you for your support and we can’t wait to see you there!