How is Pet Remedy different than Feliway?
How is Pet Remedy different than Feliway?
Pet Remedy is a natural calming product which works across all pets. It lasts longer, covers a larger area and is more cost-effective than other leading products on the market. Being cross species you won’t need to buy one calming product for each pet, unlike other leading products where there is 1 product per species. Pet Remedy comes in the form of a plug-in diffuser and sprays. The calming sprays (200ml or 15ml) can be sprayed on yourself, your pet, their coat or in your pets’ general daily environment. Other leading products are not safe to be used on the pet or yourself as they are spirit based. Pet Remedy also works immediately, unlike other products which you need to plug in weeks in advance to have an effect.
How does Pet Remedy work vs. Feliway?
Pet Remedy works alongside the brains’ natural ‘messengers’ called neurotransmitters, which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm (via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’. In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated, which leads on to the many symptoms we see in our stressed pets. Pet Reemdy is a natural product, whereas other leading products are synthetic pheromone products. Pet Remedy has been tested by vets and behaviourists.
Pet Remedy is a proprietary blend of essential oils (valarian, vetivert, sweet basil and sage). Are these essential oils safe for cats? I know the product works well on a variety of species of pets – including horses, dogs, etc. But aren’t specific essential oils OK for certain species and not for others?
Pet Remedy is a blend of essential oils Valerian, Vetiver, Sweet Basil, and sage, which are all safe on all pets, at home and in the environment. Essential oils for cats should be highly diluted, Pet Remedy uses low doses of all of these oils, and these particular natural ingredients are also safe and nontoxic to cats.
Valerian is well known for its sedative qualities and its ability to relax the central nervous system and the smooth muscle groups. Vetiver essential oil is extensively utilized in
perfumery, including the creation of perfumes for the body, room fresheners, and coolers, as well as soaps, cosmetics, and oils. It is also a flavoring agent in beverages, sorbets, and other foodstuff. It is considered a safe oil and is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing.
Basil oil is a good tonic for the treatment of nervous disorders and stress related headaches, migraines and allergies. It is used to clear the mind and relieve intellectual fatigue, while giving clarity and mental strength.
The therapeutic properties of sage oil are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, and hypertensive. There also seems to be a more general relaxant effect, so that the plant is suitable in the treatment of nervousness and excitability. It helps to fortify a generally debilitated nervous system.
I’ve read about how air fresheners (plug in ones) that use essential oils can be dangerous for cats – how do you know yours in safe?
Essential oils for cats need to be therapeutic grade essential oil, which Pet Remedy is, the dilution of Pet Reemdy also makes it safe for use in cats. All of the natural ingredients used in Pet Remedy are considered safe, and are not on the toxic list of ingredients.
Is there anywhere you shouldn’t spray/put Pet Remedy? Someone mentioned in a review that if you put the diffusser under something, it will leave a residue?
No. Pet Remedy is a natural and pH neutral product, meaning they can be used directly onto your pets’ coat, bedding and soft furnishings. Other products on the market are spirit based, meaning that they cannot be used directly on the pet or yourself.
If someone, for example, were to put Pet Remedy over a cat’s food area and the difusser were to leak into the food – could the cat safely ingest the product?
Small amounts of ingested products are safe for all pets, but the product should not be used directly on food as a general rule. It is completely safe to be used on all pets skin and fur though.
One reader mentioned that she likes to spray Pet Remedy on her hands and then pet her cats – is that safe?
Both the plug-in diffuser and sprays are natural and pH neutral, meaning they can be used directly onto your pets’ coat, bedding and soft furnishings. A good way to use Pet Remedy is to spray a bit onto your hands and then wipe over the pet. This is particularly effective on small animals who don’t like having things sprayed directly at them, or to use around the head area. Other leading products on the market are not suitable to do this, as should not be used on the skin.
For more information regarding Pet Remedy please visit our website – www.podiumpetproducts.com/pet-remedy