Keep Your Pet Calm on Friday the 13th
Tips to Keep Your Pet Calm on Friday the 13th
Do you dread the date Friday the 13th? If so, you’re not alone. Believe it or not, Friday the 13th is the most widespread superstition in the United States today, according to phobia specialist, Dr. Donald Dossey.
This common fear is known as “paraskevidekatriaphobia,” and it is estimated that between 17 and 21 million people suffer from this condition. Those afflicted with an irrational fear of Friday the 13th often refuse to drive, go to work, dine in restaurants, or even leave their home on this unluckiest day of the year.
For the millions who feel fear and anxiety during Friday the 13th, this unfortunate energy can often take a negative toll on our pets. Animals have an amazing ability to sense our emotions. A dog’s sense of smell is approximately one million times more sensitive than ours and a cat’s sniffer is pretty incredible as well. The expression “dogs can smell fear” is very true. Although it may not be physically visible, your pet can smell your anxiousness almost immediately!
As Friday, May 13th approaches, it’s important to stay calm if you want to keep your pet calm as well. Follow these helpful tips in order to keep you and your pet cool, calm and having fun during this ‘unlucky’ day!
- Think Positive All Day: If you’re positive, your pup will feel those positive vibes too! Make this the day to put aside bad moods and irritability. Choose good things only: good thoughts and good outcomes. Research has shown that people who believe in bad luck tend to bring it on, so it’s important to kick those Friday the 13th superstitions to the curb.
- Organize Something Fun to do With Your Pet: Make the day fun by celebrating with your four-legged companion. Go for an extra long walk, play ball in the yard, visit a dog park, give your feline a new toy or some catnip. Use this day as an excuse to party!
- Give Luck a Chance to Find You: Go out and test your luck! Buy a lottery ticket, some scratch-off tickets, join a raffle, signup for an online contest. You can even apply to that new job you’ve been wanting. Some people say Friday the 13th is not a good day to start something “new.” It’s time to turn that superstition upside down and do something that may just sway luck your way.
- Create a Peaceful Environment for You and Fur-Friend: Friday the 13th sounds like the perfect day to create a peaceful and tranquil environment in order to stay in a happy and stress-free state of mind. Light some candles or incenses and put on some light music. For our pets, Pet Remedy’s natural calming sprays and plug-in diffusers are made from the best quality blend of herbal essences; valerian, sweet basil, sage and vetiver. On the 13th, pet owners should utilize Pet Remedy within their home. These beneficial sprays can be sprayed on yourself, your pet or in your pets living environment to reduce anxiety. Learn more at: https://petremedyusa.com
Whether the thought of Friday the 13th frightens you or not, utilize these helpful tips to make the occasion a cool, calm and fun day for everyone, including our animal companions!