Jul 28
Dog Rocks July Press Highlights
July has been a busy month for Dog Rocks. With an increase in sales and brand awareness we wanted to share our July press highlights with you guys! Dog Rocks USA new size 600g bag […]
Tips for using Dog Rocks during prolonged hot weather
DOG ROCKS NEWS FLASH ☀️ In times of really hot and prolonged warm weather you may find you need to “up” your dosage of Dog Rocks. Here are our tips for using Dog Rocks during […]

Feb 10
Top 10 Crufts Facts
The 125th Crufts is just over a month away and, here at Dog Rocks, we couldn't be more excited to be attending this key milestone in dog show history. Being the biggest dog show in the UK, Crufts is [...]

Feb 09
Pancake day for dogs
At Dog Rocks, we have had pancake day starred and circled in our calendars all year and now it's finally here…hooray for pancakes! What better way to celebrate than with a pancake recipe for dogs! [...]

Jan 25
Top Tips for Visiting Crufts
The 125th Crufts anniversary is only a few months away and we cannot wait! Known for being the championship conformation show for dogs, Crufts appeals to all audiences, offering countless stalls of canine goods and [...]
How Do Dog Rocks Work?
How do Dog Rocks Work? It’s a common question we often get asked. Unlike other products, Dog Rocks don’t change the pH of your dog’s urine, making them a safer, 100% natural alternative. Dog Rocks when […]