The Power of Pets – Healing
So really, how do our pets improve our lives?
1. Emotionally
Our minds are overwhelmed with stress nowadays, life seems to be moving constantly at 100mph! Pets however, are there to provide some relief from the madness. Stroking your pet for just a few minutes releases ‘feel good’ hormones – specifically, the ‘love hormone’ known as oxytocin. One study has actually found just simply making eye contact with your dog after work increases this hormone! In humans, it has been linked to increased feelings of self esteem, optimism and trust.
Taking this into account, it’s no wonder that we’re now finding animals involved in a number of therapeutic sessions. Care-homes and hospitals in particular use this animals to cheer up, calm and distract residents.
2. Physically
With our dogs in particular (and if you have a cat that likes to walk, we would love to see!) they encourage us to get out for fresh air and to exercise our legs. Walking daily has huge benefits for you, but that’s not the only health improvement pet-owners can see.
Owning a pet has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, lower stress levels, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and fewer doctors visits. Quite the list! Again we can also talk about the hormones released – oxytocin has been found to relieve pain such-as headaches, cramps and overall body aches.
(As if you needed convincing to get another pet!)
3. Socially
Pets don’t have an opinion on our clothes, our appearance, or any other parameters which we fear others may judge us by. You can develop a carefree attitude and freedom to be yourself, which can transfer to your social interactions with others too.
You’re never alone with you pet, and combatting isolation is so key to leading a happy, healthy life!
What can you do to make your pet feel good too?
Pets just love our attention, but if you think they need an extra treat we’ve got the perfect solution for you to keep them feeling their very best!
- Be:silky – give your pet a cuddle and let them shine!
- Be:vegan – soothing and calming
- Be:safe – alleviate discomfort