Dog Rocks July Press Highlights
July has been a busy month for Dog Rocks. With an increase in sales and brand awareness we wanted to share our July press highlights with you guys! Dog Rocks USA new size 600g bag […]
Tips for using Dog Rocks during prolonged hot weather
DOG ROCKS NEWS FLASH ☀️ In times of really hot and prolonged warm weather you may find you need to “up” your dosage of Dog Rocks. Here are our tips for using Dog Rocks during […]
National Heat Awareness Day
The last Friday of May is marked as National Heat Awareness day. Heatwaves can affect children and the elderly, but your pets are also largely affected when temperatures rise. National Heat awareness day is a […]

Keeping your pets safe during firework season

Top 5 Dog Friendly Holidays
For many of us, our dogs are part of our family, so when it comes to looking at possible holiday destinations, we want somewhere that our beloved pooch can come and have a great time […]